Club Information
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Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
Radisson Grenada Beach Resort
St George
St George,
1st Thu - Business Meeting at the Radisson. 2nd Thu - Meeting at Quarantine Point 3rd Thu - Program Meeting at the Radisson. 4th Thu - Committee Meetings Meeting starts at 7PM, with fellowship 30 minutes starting
Home Page Stories
On Thursday 25th August 2022, Rotarians, their guests and friends of Rotary came out to celebrate the 54th Charter Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG). The club was officially charted in August 1968 with 23 professionals and businessmen as members. Sir John Augustus Fitzroy Watts KCMG CBE, a dentist by profession and politician was elected first president of the RCG. In 1974, Sir John became the first Rotary District Governor for what was then District 404. 
                    Ceremonial cake to celebrate 54th Charter Day!
Grenada W.I. - The Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG) recently inducted Mr. Juan Bailey as its club president for the 2022-2023 Rotary year. Juan first joined Rotary briefly in 2010 and rejoined the RCG in 2017. He has a passion for working on community projects because he believes that we can all contribute positively to society as a whole. Juan has been an active Rotarian and served as Club Secretary before being elected President. Anyone who knows him would agree that he genuinely enjoys the fellowship and camaraderie that Rotary provides.
President Juan Bailey(R) being presented with the President's Chain from IPP Alphonsus Daniel(L)
Dr. Marion Pierre (L) and Rotary Club of Grenada President - Alphonsus Daniel unveiling the plaque at the opening of The Pierre Playpark
The Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG) announced the opening of The Pierre Playpark at Quarantine Point Recreational Park on Saturday, June 04, 2022. The play park project was completed through generous funding provided by Dr. Marion Pierre through The Maria Holder Memorial Trust. The newly opened play park will serve as an inclusive space for individuals and families alike to enjoy the wonderful playground and gazebo.
The Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG) joined thousands across the Commonwealth in lighting a beacon for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations on Thursday, June 02, 2022. At precisely 9.15pm local time, the RCG lit a beacon at its self-managed Quarantine Park together with thousands across the globe. Many people showed up to witness the simple lighting ceremony with significant meaning. 
Platinum Jubilee Bonfire lit at Quarantine Park by Rotary Club of Grenada
The Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG) brought relief to scores of students by donating backpacks and school supplies to help enhance their school experience. The RCG through a partnership with the Grenada Covid Crisis Group (GCCG) donated 85 backpacks to the School For Special Education in The Limes and The Bel Air Home For Children And Adolescents.
The GCCG is an affiliation to the Grenadians United in Virginia (GUIV), a non-political, humanitarian organisation dedicated to providing medical, educational and health personnel support to Grenadians. The GUIV was established 28 years ago and comprises mainly of medical professionals who are dedicated to improving healthcare and education in Grenada. In recent years, the GUIV has made large donations to health facilities in Grenada.
The School For Special Education used the opportunity to thank the RCG for its continuous support to improving the quality of learning at the school. Parents of students attending the school have also expressed gratitude for the donation. The President of RCG, Mr. Alphonsus Daniel disclosed that the RCG will continue deploying resources to assist the school with maintenance items as needed for promoting a healthy learning environment.
School of Special Education
Students from School For Special Needs Receiving Their Backpacks And School Supplies
The Bel Air Home For Children And Adolescents thanked the RCG for the donation of school supplies and acknowledged the difficulties many families have faced as they continue to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since opening in 1999, the Bel Air Home has provided residential care for children and adolescents in need. 
Members of the Rotary Club Of Grenada Presenting Backpacks and School Supplies to Ms. Lisa Charles of Belair Home For Children
                                Rotarian Kara Warner (L), Rotarian Desiree Mitchell-Prime (R)
Our members are the heart of our club. We are a group of diverse professionals seeking ways to build better communities and serve others. On March 19, 2021, we welcomed two individuals enthusiastic to serve and live by our Rotarian values. Desiree Mitchell-Prime, HR Manager Eastern Caribbean for Royal Bank of Canada, and Kara Warner, Country Manager for RBTT Grenada, are now members of the prestigious Rotary International Community.
Staff of Dorothy Hopkin Home For The Disabled Receiving a solar water-heater panel from Members of the Rotary Club of Grenada 
Patients and staff at the Dorothy Hopkin Home For The Disabled were buzzing with excitement as a solar water heater system was delivered on March 08, 2021. The Rotary Club of Grenada in partnership with the Rotary Club of Barnaby, Canada donated a solar-powered water heater to the Home at their location in Tempe, St George. Rotary Club of Grenada President Henry Joseph visited the home together with President-Elect Alphonsus Daniel, Vice President Collin Francis and Director of Community Services Otis Wade. They were met by the Management of the home led by Ms. Catherine John who thanked both Clubs for their donation.
President Elect Alphonsus Daniel who oversaw the delivery made reference to the challenges faced by the home and the inconvenience of its patients having to use cold water for their basic sanitation needs. He lamented that in modern times, the home should be equipped with basic amenities to secure the well-being of its occupants. President Henry Joseph expressed satisfaction that the Rotary Club of Grenada along with an international club were able to identify local challenges and address them. He said, "During these challenging times, Rotary continues to live its purpose by collaborating and solving the problems plaguing humanity. We will continue to tackle issues facing our communities one at a time, no matter how small or daunting the tasks may be."
Ms Catherine John was delighted to see the solar panels making their way to the installation site on the compound. She noted the importance of water heaters to the facility and highlighted their fuel efficient benefits. The solar heaters will reduce electricity consumption by using the sun as an alternative energy source to heat water. Ms John added, "In such an exceptionally hard time, this donation by Rotary has provided an essential convenience to our patients who have been without for such a long time. We know this donation will make a huge difference to the home and its occupants".
The Rotary Club of Grenada has made a commitment to leverage its fund raising capabilities and make meaningful donations aimed at improving the lives of Grenada's most vulnerable residents. Just recently the both local Rotary Clubs completed a food hamper drive where hundreds of vulnerable families received well-stocked food hampers to alleviate their basic food needs.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic which has forced businesses to close temporarily, increased unemployment and reduced household income; the Rotary Club of Grenada stepped up its outreach to low-income and vulnerable persons by providing them with food hampers during the weekend of May 22, 2020.

The Rotary Clubs of Grenada have the unblemished record of holding the best fete of the carnival season.

This year will be no different. The Rotary Clubs of Grenada will be holding its annual all-day carnival fete on Carnival Sunday 10 August 2014 at the Grenada Yacht Club.
            FOOD - Island Catering
            BAR - Rock Solid
            MUSIC: DJ Black Storm & DJ ImageSmall Clothes

One hundred and thirty-two Rotarians and friends of District 7000, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil were treated to a spicy welcome by the Rotary Clubs of Grenada on Wednesday 25 April 2012.
February 2025
Club Executives & Directors
Vice President
Rotary Foundation
Membership Chair
Club Public Image Chair
Club Service Projects Chair
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Youth Service
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